Move to the Netherlands with a friend, is there an option for both of us?

Move to the Netherlands with a friend, is there an option for both of us?

We recommend people to go to work and live in the Netherlands with your spouse or friend. Going to work in the Netherlands as a friend is, in general, a much more pleasant experience than moving abroad for work alone.

Remember that the loveliest memories are those that are shared with the ones close to you. In this case, this is not an exception to that rule.

Unfortunately, not all agencies Robin works with offer work for couples or friends. The disadvantage for the agencies is that if one of the friends doesn’t perform well at the job, you lose both people. But there are plenty of options still, especially in a production environment, to find work in the Netherlands for you and your friend. Especially when you and your friend are both able to hold a conversation in English.

An advantage of going to work in the Netherlands as a friend is that agencies can find a private room for the two of you in most cases. That way, decide who your roommate is. In case you go alone, it’s always a question with whom you will share your room.

Let Robins’ job expert know your wishes as a couple for going to work in the Netherlands. We’ll make sure the right job with accommodation will be organized for you.


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