
Find work in Germany with accommodation

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Are you hoping to find work in Germany?

Robin has diverse job offers available for multiple sectors and occupations. We have a wide variety of vacancies for couples, experienced and inexperienced candidates. With Robin’s job experts, you will find a job that matches your expectations.

Let us help you in your search for a job in Germany.

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4 / 5 (4 reviews)
It went really well, I went to work completely without problems.
Through this agency it’s definitely worth it. I myself worked for 1.5 years through them in the Netherlands.
The Agent that was helping me, Anna Ewelina Kita was very helpful and was always in contact with me to...
Peter Luzynski
4 reviews
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It went really well, I went to work completely without problems.
Through this agency it’s definitely worth it. I myself worked for 1.5 years through them in the Netherlands.
Peter Luzynski
Peter Luzynski
The Agent that was helping me, Anna Ewelina Kita was very helpful and was always in contact with me to...
“I didn't know where to go. Then I got a call from Robin: We found you a job at Tesla, when can you start? What? Now!”
I found work with Robin at the Tesla factory: it's a dream job

How to get a job in Germany

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    Register on robin.jobs

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    Our job experts will help you find the best match for you.

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    Once you have the job and accommodation waiting for you, you can move abroad.

  • steps image
    Settling in

    Robin will support you every step of the way, and we will check in even after you start working.

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Advice on how to get the most out of your experience working in Germany

1. Open-minded and flexibility.

Is this your first time working in Germany? Remember to keep a flexible mindset and manage your expectations, without having this experience firsthand rarely will the reality match what you imagined when moving to another country.

Experience is the best teacher! Working abroad for even a short period will strengthen your character, make you an adaptable, hard-working individual. Able to enjoy the company of other cultures, mindsets, weather and traditions. Let yourself enjoy the experience!

Remember this is a new adventure, try to have an open-minded mentality and give yourself the first few weeks a chance to adapt to this new environment, the more experience and longer you get accustomed, the more you will get enriched with the knowledge for better chances in Germany and in your home country.

2. Learn English or German

Germany ranks #10 in the world for people that speak English as a second language. Though Germany’ primary language is German, you can hold a conversation in English with almost anyone.

Although in Germany 56% of the population speaks english you will be able to get courses of German for free in most public universities and other entities that help immigrants incorporate better into German society. But as a head start English language will help you be understood and integrate better for the beginning of your journey.

English language skills will help you understand your colleagues and your employer better in your new workplace. There are fewer opportunities for non-English speakers.
Often, many people are afraid to speak their mind in an unfamiliar language in this case English, even when they know the language pretty well.

If you want to increase your opportunities, don’t be scared to speak up. Everyone makes mistakes. The only thing that matters in communication is that the other person understands you. A high English level is not relevant to be understood. If you have questions regarding your English language level or would like some ideas on how to improve your skills, don’t hesitate to speak to Robins’ job experts.

3. Show your motivation.

Are you eager to earn as much money as possible during your stay in Germany? The key to that is trying to get more responsibility at work and to get extra hours.

Germans like to encourage their employees to show initiative to learn new things or be ready to work overtime. If you find yourself not busy during working hours, start organizing your workspace. Put that extra effort, finish your tasks earlier than you supposed to, arrive slightly earlier to your shift, punctuality is not only expected from workers and is also very incorporated in their society. These are all signals for German managers that show the right motivation. When the manager notices you are eager to do more, you will get more responsibilities and, eventually, a higher salary. You will be the first one to work overtime.

4. Move together with a friend to work in Germany.

When you travel to work in Germany for the first time, we advise you to go together with a friend or spouse. Emotionally, it’s easier to get through the experience of moving to another country together. Though for agencies, it is harder to find work for friends or couples. There are still opportunities Robin can offer for those who like to go together, mostly if they both speak English.

Another significant benefit of going with someone else is that most of the rooms provided by the agency in Germany are shared with someone else. It’s always a question who that other person will be if you travel alone to work in Germany. Together, agencies can offer a room for both of you in almost all cases.

5. Learn to drive a bicycle and get ready to cycle through the rain

Germany has a temperate climate throughout the country with warm summers and cold winters, however long periods of frost or snow are rare. Rain falls throughout the year. Extremes temperatures sometimes reach -10° C (5°F) in winter and 35 ° C (95° F) in summer months.
Cycling is one of the most common ways of transportation in Germany. 80% of germans commute to work on their bicycles. Chances are very high that you will be travelling to work and back by bicycle when you move to work in Germany. Get ready to use the bike for your daily commute, and eventually, you will start enjoying it.
Germany has the world’s best infrastructure for driving bicycles with flat landscapes and towns that are well connected with paved bicycle roads.

At most employment agencies, a bicycle will be provided when the distance from work to your accommodation is less than 10 km’s from each other. A significant benefit of cycling is that it’s cheap and good for your health. One of the biggest enemies of a cyclist is rain, and it will rain in Germany! Soon you will be skilled in cycling with an umbrella or cycling with your raingear 🙂

6. Prepare a good CV

Your future employer in Germany is keen on seeing what kind of jobs you were doing before. This is why many agencies in Germany require job seekers a CV to see what type of job experience you have. Even summer jobs or jobs you did some years in the past might help you get a better-paid job.

At Robin, we are not pushing too hard on CVs as we believe that a CV doesn’t tell much about the person behind the applicant. Still, most employers don’t share that philosophy.

If you have trouble writing a CV, Robins’ job experts will help you write one, and, just like all our services towards jobseekers, completely free of charge!

With the job, everything is better than I expected, after one week I already worked 40 hours per week. Accommodation could be better but i'm happy :) Robin did a great job!
Register now for work in Germany

Work in Germany: 5 reasons why it’s worth it to choose this country

1. Germany’s economy is one of the strongest in Europe

One of the most important reasons why most people want to change their life and go to work abroad is the stable working place that guarantees stable income. Strong economic situation in Germany will provide the security to know that there will be jobs available for immigrants and locals, much higher chances of having economic stability than in their own countries.

According to the data of 2019 Germany is the fourth best country for living. The research showed that 96 percent of German population are educated people who not only perform good at work and pay taxes, but also create a sustainable and promising future for all immigrant employees.

Robin offers the possibility to get work in Germany and experience how local companies are working and what kind of attractive working conditions they are offering for the employees from other countries.

Useful links:

2. Friendly and tolerant country towards immigrants

The big lack of local workforce in Germany opened the doors for the employees from other countries. The employees from all around the world are working in German companies which creates a friendly and open environment for all the immigrants. Therefore you shouldn’t be surprised to have a colleague from Poland, Turkey or Egypt. This intercultural atmosphere promotes tolerance, helps to improve your communication skills and knowledge of foreign languages.

The employees from other countries often choose Germany for financial stability and happiness of local people. Germans are so used to the diversity of people that they don’t make a difference between the nationalities, races or sexual orientation. German government helps the immigrants to integrate and become part of the society easier and faster.

Knowing that the country’s population is growing very fast the priority is the safety of people. Germany is among 15 safest countries in the world.

3. Low unemployment rate

The unemployment rate in Germany is only 3,1 % and is one of the lowest in Europe. It means that the local labor market is not overcrowded and there are a lot of employment possibilities for foreigners. Besides that, the low unemployment rate often means that the employers are motivated to keep their employees working by providing them with good working conditions. On some occasions the employer offers free or very cheap lunch in the cantine, compensates the traveling costs, gives longer holidays or pays double salary for work during bank holidays. If needed and for the growth of the company and employees, it’s a possibility to get provided with training courses, learning of local language and there have been cases where the company finances. In the end, properly trained and well knowledgeable employees are an asset to any team.

So if you are motivated and hardworking you can start your career path in Germany from an unqualified job. It will not take long until your employer will notice your wish to achieve more and will offer you the possibility to improve your professional skills and eventually to earn more.

Useful link:

4. The prices are affordable for everybody

It’s common to think that countries with strong economies are expensive. But the prices in Germany are very similar to the ones that you can see in your country’s shops.

Let’s calculate: in case you are getting a minimum salary in your country there is little money left after you pay for the utilities, local transport and the rent or the loan of the apartment. Besides these costs you need to pay for the mobile phone operator and buy food. Most likely there is nothing or very little left for entertainment. If you need to buy clothes, shoes or anything else then you need to save.

In Germany the lowest salary that you will receive after you pay taxes is 1450 euros. To rent an apartment for two would cost around 500 euros. Most of the employees are traveling to work by bicycle which you could buy for 50 euros. In case you would be traveling to work by bus the monthly ticket might cost around 80 euros (in Berlin for example). So when working and living in Germany you could have around 1000 euros left for your own needs and you will not need to think about how to survive until the end of the month.

The prices of food, household goods or beauty aids are the same or sometimes even lower than in Lithuania. The employees who like to save will soon discover cheap grocery stores and will have a possibility to save even more.

5. Rich and affordable free time

People often think that in order to travel and have an interesting free time you need a lot of money. Germans are not the ones who like to declare their richness, for them the quality of life is much more important. Rich and interesting free time in Germany will not cost you a lot!
There are many forests, parks and resting zones in Germany. There are 2500 parks only around Berlin! It’s possible to sport, play various games or simply rest there. In Northern Germany you can discover beautiful beaches. The hiking activities in Southwest Germany are one of the most popular in Europe. You can enjoy Alpes while hiking, skiing or just escaping the city. Even if you don’t have your own transport, it will not be difficult to travel around the country by train or bus.

German cultural life is very rich. There is a possibility to choose from many concerts, performances or art exhibitions. As the offer is so big often the entrance doesn’t cost anything or very little. Everybody will find something interesting. Often famous artists are playing or big sport events are taking place in big German cities. So there is a possibility to see something that you wouldn’t be able to see in your home country.

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Why should I use Robin’s help with getting a job with accommodation in Germany?

What can Robin do for you?

Robin offers intermediate services between German temporary employment agencies and people looking for a job with a living space in Germany. Along with Robbins’ job expert, you will compare and discuss what agency and what company suits your wishes most.

Despite our wish to find a job for every candidate, in Germany we have limited offers that call for demand of the German market, if it’s in our possibilities and vacancies are open, one of our colleagues will help you try to get a spot in one of those open vacancies.

Our services extend to finding the right job not only for you but also for the agency, our partners will do their best alongside you to find a vacancy that will fit your profile.

Robin’s job experts will remain available for you for questions and help if needed, to the best of our abilities, remember Robin can help you find the perfect vacancy but we will not be your employers, we are your allies.

What type of agencies does Robin work with?

All agencies Robin cooperates with are operating in the international recruitment market and have at least 10 years of experience in this field. These agencies have proven to be successful in providing jobs for candidates that used Robins services in the past.

A part of Robin’s team has traveled to visit these agencies in person, visited examples of accommodation they provide and spent some time at the workplaces offered to our job seekers. This is how Robin’s job experts create a good understanding of what is waiting ahead for you when you work in Germany. You must remember that accommodations keep rotating in countries in which there is a high rotation of workforce arriving from different countries.

All agencies Robin works with are a member of the recruitment branch organizations of ABU. We know it follows a standard protocol, looking at the payment of salaries and the provided accommodation.

How do we earn money?

In case you’re asking yourself ‘If Robin doesn’t charge a fee to jobseekers for the help of getting a job in Germany, how do they make money?’. The answer is that Germany’s employment agencies are paying for our services to find the right candidate for them. We are convinced that we do this more cost-efficiently than the agency is doing it themselves. Helping people is in our name, it’s the core of our business, it’s the reason we exist and why Robins’ job experts are going to work motivated each day. No one can do this better and more efficiently as we do. If you doubt this, challenge us 🙂

How does Robin compare to other agencies that offer work in Germany?

Unlike many other agencies that recruit people to Germany, Robin is interested in creating the best experience possible for those planning to leave abroad. This we do by providing the right information at the right moment, travel ourselves to Germany, and visit accommodation and companies. Our mission is to offer more than work abroad. We stay in touch with you after you arrive in Germany to make sure you are settling in fine. We connect you to like-minded people that travelled earlier to Germany so they can help you get around. We are most satisfied when you recommend our service to a friend.

Where does the name Robin come from?

Robin is a familiar name for those of you that like stories and action heroes. Robin is a helping hand for people. Making sure that job seekers get the support they need at the moment is the most crucial. Robin creates trust, communicates openly and clearly to people, our job experts will be honest with what you should expect when arriving in Germany, we don’t like surprises. Robin offers more than work abroad. One of Robin’s values is driven, which proves that we want to improve ourselves and the journey of the people we help every day.

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