
Find work in Germany with accommodation

Are you looking for work in Germany with accommodation? Thanks to Robin, you can find a great job in no time. Our recruiters will help you from the moment you apply to your first working day. Over 40,000 people have found employment in Germany, the Netherlands, and Belgium with Robin. Join them!

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    Search for available jobs with accommodation in Germany offered from 35+ certified agencies
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    Start a career in Germany, regardless of your expertise or work experience and without speaking German
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    After you apply for a job in Germany, Robin's recruiter will contact you in 24h
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    Germany offers excellent pay and work conditions, with competitive salaries, bonuses, and housing for workers being among the best in Europe
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    With Robin, you can always rely on our expert guidance throughout the hiring process
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Start Your Career in Germany in 4 Easy Steps

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    Create a profile on Robin and upload your CV for free.

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    We’ll send you job offers that match your working experience and skills. You will never be charged for our services.

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    With a work in Germany with accommodation all set, you’ll be ready to move!

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    Settling in

    Our assistance doesn’t end when you come to Germany. You can count on us even when you start working.

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Explore Jobs for Foreigners in Germany Across Industries

With our assistance, you can find work with accommodation in Germany quickly. Our job offers are available to English speakers and are updated regularly so you can find employment in one of the following sectors:



You’ll have no problem finding well-paying employment, as German companies have many job offers, especially for skilled workers. Your experience is sought across the country, especially in industrial regions. You’ll find a job in Germany easily if you’re a proficient carpenter, CNC operator, mechanic, handyman, assembly technician, welder, or similar. All you need to do is apply for a job on our site.



Working in the service industry is arguably the best way to experience life in Germany and learn more about life abroad. You’ll meet other cultures while earning a very good salary in a hotel, restaurant, or bar. Most jobs require people skills and knowledge of German or English, depending on the position.



Working in factories is another opportunity if you have the right skill set. German industry is well-known, especially automobile factories, which are among the best in the world. As a production worker, you’ll have above-average working conditions, whether in a large company or a family-owned small business.



Working in logistics is perfect if you want to start a career in Germany but are inexperienced. You’ll easily find positions even if you don’t speak German or English. Working in the warehouse will introduce you to logistic operations, allowing you to grow within a company. As your skills improve, you’ll get a chance to seek promotion and a raise.



Germany invests heavily in agriculture, which creates many jobs for foreigners. While some positions require certain knowledge, you can always find one that doesn’t require any experience. That is especially true for seasonal work during sowing and harvest. You’ll also quickly find work if you’re a skilled gardener or greenhouse worker.

Find a job in Germany in companies like:

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4 / 5 (4 reviews)
Through this agency it’s definitely worth it. I myself worked for 1.5 years through them in the Netherlands.
It went really well, I went to work completely without problems.
These people do 100% of their work.
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Through this agency it’s definitely worth it. I myself worked for 1.5 years through them in the Netherlands.
It went really well, I went to work completely without problems.
These people do 100% of their work.
“I didn't know where to go. Then I got a call from Robin: We found you a job at Tesla, when can you start? What? Now!”
I found work with Robin at the Tesla factory: it's a dream job

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How Does Robin Find Work with Accommodation in Germany?

Smiling candidate job interview

Robin successfully connects people searching for jobs abroad with some of the best German companies with open vacancies.

Our mission is to simplify the process and help you find a job in Germany that you’ll love, even before leaving your home country. If you have an EU passport, finding suitable jobs for foreigners is much easier. This simplifies the whole process, as citizens of the European Union can work in Germany without any restrictions. And that’s just the beginning, as Robin’s support doesn’t end there. With our help, you’ll easily relocate to Germany and start working immediately.

Man working warehouse

As a foreigner, you’re certainly interested in working in Germany and having a place to stay. That’s why Robin recruiters are focused on helping you easily find the best jobs in Germany with accommodation.

If you need help, you can always contact Robin’s recruiters to solve all issues. Additionally, Robin can connect you with foreign workers who have already gone through the process. They may provide valuable advice to help you successfully work in Germany. With experience in the field, Robin is committed to finding jobs for foreigners in Germany, making a transition to living and working abroad as smooth as possible.

It's simple to find a job in Germany with Robin

How does Robin help foreigners find jobs in Germany?

Robin has an extensive network of over 35 employment agencies, always looking for international talent. If you have an EU passport, you’re one step closer to finding a job in Berlin with accommodation or any other German city. To start your new career abroad, you must create a profile on Robin.

How experienced are the employment agencies Robin works with?

The employment agencies Robin works with have over ten years of recruiting experience and a successful track record. They’ve been helping foreigners find employment in Germany for years, choosing only the most reliable companies.

How much does it cost to use Robin’s services?

Discover job opportunities in Germany with Robin, which will cost you nothing, as Robin’s services are free for all candidates. Simply sign up for free and start your job search. Robin’s services are funded by employment agencies, so job seekers like you can access them without any fees.

What makes Robin stand out compared to other job agencies?

Robin’s services don’t end when you get a job. We’ll ensure you’re happy with your new job and accommodation, and do anything we can to solve any challenge you may face. To ensure everything is in order, you’ll receive complete information about what is waiting for you in Germany. As living in another country can be challenging, we’ll stay in touch and offer you the opportunity to connect with experienced workers who speak your language.

Why should you choose Robin?

Our mission is to help you find a job you’ll be happy with. Thanks to our personalised job search, Germany will be your next career stop. We’ll help you prepare for new challenges even before moving to Germany. With Robin by your side, you’ll always have the support of experienced professionals. After all, everyone needs a helping hand; even the most famous superhero has Robin at his side.

Find out More About Accommodation in Germany

When you find work in Germany, your next step is to look for a place to stay. The great news is that accommodation in Germany for job seekers is secured. Depending on your working position and the location of your employer, you’ll be offered to stay at shared accommodations, hotels, mobile homes, or apartments. It’s important to note that you can’t choose the type of housing options a company offers. The employer’s accommodation is usually very close to work, making it a more convenient and cheaper option. Of course, you can find your own apartment, but that’s usually more expensive.

It’s completely up to you where you will live in Germany, but remember that the cost of living, rent, food costs, and utilities can take a large part of your earnings.

People passing by street markets

How to Improve Your Career in Germany

Moving abroad is not just about career opportunities; Germany will also change your life. While working and in your free time, you’ll meet people with different lifestyles and cultural backgrounds. You’ll need to work on your skills to improve your career and life abroad.

Check out the bits of advice below on how to adapt to professional and personal challenges:


Improve your CV to apply for the best job offers in Germany

Update your CV so employers can learn more about you and your skills. Ask Robin’s recruiter for advice if you need help writing a CV. Make sure to have your CV in English. If you speak the German language, have a copy written in that language, and mention your proficiency level. Write about your previous experiences, and mention special skills that may be interesting in an industry you’re applying.


Learn more about Germany and your company

We understand you have high expectations from your new career in Germany. You’ll make the most out of it if you start your preparations before coming in. Ask Robin’s recruiter everything you wish to know, but also make sure to do your own research. Learn more about the city and work so you come in prepared. Knowing where you’re going is crucial, as you want to keep your expectations realistic.


Work on your English and German

While some positions don’t require knowledge of German or even English, it would be best if you could learn at least entry-level German. Knowing English will help, but learning German will help you adapt faster and improve your working position.


Stay motivated

Always improve your skills and show you can take on more complex tasks. Your proactive approach will be noticed, as German companies value motivated workers. For starters, ensure you’re always on time and committed to giving your best. In time, you’ll be eligible for a promotion and a raise. Try to improve daily, from improving skills to learning a language.


Work in Germany with a partner or a friend

Being alone abroad can be challenging, especially if you don’t know the language yet. The best solution is to find a partner with whom you can work and share accommodation. This way, you’ll easily find a place to stay, as you’ll have a roommate. And not just that, you’ll have a familiar face at work, especially if you’re moving to Germany with your partner. Robin will help you settle and get a place to stay that you’ll be happy to call home.


Embrace your new life in Germany

Going to work is just one part of your daily routine. While you may face professional challenges, your private life should be fulfilled. Use your free time to embrace German culture and what it can offer you. Cultural adaptation and intercultural communication are important if you want to fully embrace life in Germany. Improve your quality of life by having a hobby and friends to relax with after work.

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Prepare for Working Abroad with Robin

Moving to another country is challenging enough, but it can be overwhelming when combined with starting a new job. Fortunately, Robin is by your side, helping you settle in Germany with little to no stress. When you arrive, we’ll continue to support you while you work on your skills.

Below, you’ll find answers to the most important questions regarding work in Germany.

1. What happens when I arrive in Germany?

Everything will be organised for you the moment you arrive. Robin’s recruiter will give you the contact information of a person who will wait for you at the airport or at a gathering place. You’ll have an opportunity to settle and rest before your first day at work in Germany.

2. How is transportation to work organised in Germany?

Depending on where you live, an employer will organise transport for you. If you choose a different accommodation than the one provided by the company, you’ll probably have to come to the gathering point where all workers are being picked up or head directly to work on your own. Learn more about commuting by talking to your Robin recruiter.

3. Is Germany a safe country to live and work abroad?

Germany is a safe country, whether you work in Berlin, Stuttgart, Dortmund, or another town. Respect local laws and regulations, and you’ll never have any problems.

4. How much money should I bring when I move to Germany?

You should bring enough money to cover your expenses for the first month. Depending on the company, you’ll get your salary weekly or monthly. Plan your budget accordingly, but €500 should suffice.

5. What happens if I lose my job in Germany?

If you’re not at fault, Robin will find you another job in the next couple of days. Employment agencies are always prepared for this scenario, so you don’t need to worry about unemployment.

6. Will you help me organise my trip to Germany?

Yes, Robin will do anything to help you organise a trip to Germany. We’ll make sure your travel is safe and comfortable. Your only worry is to pack everything you need. Don’t forget the phone charger!

7. Will I sign anything before I move to Germany?

You’ll have your contract prepared so everything is ready for you upon arrival. To be 100% sure a job is waiting for you, you’ll be asked to sign a Pre-agreement before you move to Germany. You’ll get all the details from Robin’s recruiter.

8. Will the Robin team help me when I arrive in the Germany?

Our mission is to help you find work and get accustomed to your new life and work in Germany. Even when you start working in the company, we’ll keep in touch to answer all your questions and provide help if needed.

9. Is Germany an expensive country to live in?

Your expenses in Germany may vary depending on where you live and whether you live in company-appointed accommodation. How much money you will spend also depends on your lifestyle. While restaurants can be expensive, basic needs like groceries and household items are relatively cheap.

10. Who organises my social security number in Germany?

The employment agency that hired you will help you receive a social security number. Of course, you can always ask your Robin recruiter for more information.

11. How many hours can I expect to work at my job in Germany?

Most opportunities for Robin are long-term and full-time employment, with the possibility of working overtime. You will get all the information when you apply for a specific job.

Do you have more questions?

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Read More About Living and Working in Germany

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