
Where will I live when I move to work in the Netherlands? And with whom?

Where will I live when I move to work in the Netherlands? And with whom?

You will probably spend most of your time in the Netherlands, and so even more important than your work is where you will live. All employment agencies working with Robin offer next to a place to work accommodation in the Netherlands. Suppose you like to organise your accommodation. Job seekers with private housing are not a problem. Because of the shortage of reasonable accommodation in the Netherlands, it is even preferred by most of the agencies.

We can say that there are three types of housing available through Robin in the Netherlands.
Read everything about accommodation in the Netherlands.

  • 1. Summer houses. Such as static caravans or holiday homes made of bricks. Great for those that want to have a small place with a few friends. And an excellent way to get to know new people. The disadvantage is that it’s often far away from towns and cities. In summer houses, you share your room with a roommate.
  • 2. Group accommodation. Such as hotels where bigger groups of people are living. Mostly well connected to bigger towns and cities. In group accommodation, there is a lot of entertainment for people. In hotels, you either have a room for yourself or a room shared with a roommate.
  • 3. Private houses. In Dutch districts. For Robin, these homes are the nicest. Still, because of a significant lack of accommodation in the Netherlands, it’s often hard to have one available. In Dutch districts, groups of around eight people and in the middle of towns or cities.

It is tough to forecast for Robin what type of accommodation you will live in exactly. It depends not only on the agency but also on the houses’ availability at precisely the moment you will arrive for work in the Netherlands.

Robin only offers a job with accommodation at agencies that have certified housing, according to SNF. SNF is an institution that sets a minimum set of requirements for accommodation provided to migrant workers in the Netherlands.

Think about requirements such as:

  • A minimum amount of square meters living area per person
  • A minimum amount of showers and toilets for groups of people
  • Safety instructions and measures and
  • A minimum amount of space in a fridge and a minimum amount of cooking places in the kitchen

Although all agencies use the standards, and minimum requirements set by SNF, the quality of housing differs. It as well depends on what expectations you have. Each person has their preferences looking for accommodation depending on the character of the person.

Before you go to the Netherlands, Robin’s job expert will inform you of what type of accommodation you can expect at the specific agency. Either hotel, holiday home, or detached home.

In most accommodations, you will need to share your room with someone. Expect to live in a home with a mix of people that have all a different background. See it as a great way to make friends from all over Europe. Beware that the quality of living conditions depends on yourself and the people who live together with you. Don’t expect a 5-star hotel, but accommodation where people spend a temporary amount of time and take care of the house quickly.

In case you have specific wishes or needs looking at the accommodation, ask Robin’s experts, so we can see what agency suits your desires most.


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