Car Mechanic Salary in the Netherlands: Latest Overview

Car Mechanic Salary in the Netherlands: Latest Overview

The automotive repair industry in the Netherlands offers a stable career path for skilled mechanics, with competitive salaries and opportunities for growth. The job market for mechanics in the Netherlands is also attractive to foreign workers, thanks to the country’s strong economy and high standard of living.

This overview will explore the car mechanic salary in the Netherlands for 2025: how much car mechanics make a year, a month, and per hour. We will also check the differences across cities, experience levels, and gender. We’ll also examine how various factors, such as education and years of experience, can affect earning potential in this field.

How Much Are Car Mechanics Paid in the Netherlands?

Here’s a table that presents the average car mechanic salary in the Netherlands, but also the median, minimum, and highest salary ranges for mechanics in the Netherlands:

Salary Metric Car mechanic salary Netherlands amount in EUR
Average net annual salary 24,280 EUR
Median net annual salary 26,020 EUR
Lowest net annual salary 10,220 EUR
Highest net annual salary 36,020 EUR
Average net monthly salary 2,023 EUR
Lowest net monthly salary 851 EUR
Highest net monthly salary 3,001 EUR

This table summarizes the salary distribution for mechanics in the Netherlands, showing the variability in earnings based on different factors.

Variables That Shape Car Mechanic Wage in the Netherlands

A variety of factors impact car mechanic wages in the Netherlands. Understanding these variable factors can provide valuable insights into the earning potential for mechanics considering working in the Netherlands. Examining these essential variables will help you better understand how to maximize your earnings potential in the Dutch automotive industry.

car mechanic salary in netherlands

Employer Type

In the Netherlands, mechanics in the public sector often earn more than those in the private sector. Public sector car mechanic average salary is 58,720 EUR gross per year, but private sector mechanics earn a gross average of 56,640 EUR. This difference of approximately 4% shows the slightly higher wages typically offered by government positions compared to private industry roles. 

Education Level

Education plays an important role in deciding car mechanic income in the Netherlands. Those with higher education tend to earn more than their counterparts with just a high school diploma. For example:

  • Mechanics with a high school education earn around 17,020 EUR annually.
  • Those with a certificate or diploma earn an average of 21,300 EUR.
  • A mechanic with a bachelor’s degree can earn as much as 35,300 EUR annually.

These figures demonstrate a clear salary increase tied to higher levels of education.


There is a noticeable gender pay gap in the Netherlands, even within the mechanic profession. Male mechanics earn 23,480 EUR annually, while female mechanics earn approximately 21,300 EUR annually. The pay disparity between men and women doing the same work in this field is 10%.

How Much Does a Car Mechanic Make Based on Experience?

In the Netherlands, the salary of a car mechanic increases significantly with years of experience. As mechanics gain more hands-on experience and enhance their skills, their earning potential grows. Below is a detailed breakdown of how a mechanic’s salary typically increases over time:

Salary Progression Based on Experience for Car Mechanics in the Netherlands

Experience Level Average Annual Salary (EUR) Percentage Increase from Previous Level
0-2 Years 13,700 EUR
2-5 Years 15,700 EUR +38%
5-10 Years 26,020 EUR +42%
10-15 Years 29,640 EUR +22%
15-20 Years 33,120 EUR +6%
20+ Years 33,980 EUR +9%

This table shows how a mechanic’s salary can grow throughout their career, with substantial increases during the first 10 years, followed by slower growth as they approach 20+ years of experience.

Salary Raise Potential for Car Mechanics

Car mechanics in the Netherlands can expect regular pay raises, typically tied to performance and loyalty. The average pay raise for a mechanic is about 10% every 15 months, which translates to an approximate 8% annual increase. This growth in salary reflects both job market conditions and recognition of the mechanic’s skills and experience.

In addition, salary increases are often more significant for those in more advanced positions or those with specialized skills, making long-term career growth possible in this profession.

Car Mechanic Salaries by City in the Netherlands

Salaries for car mechanics can vary widely across different cities in the Netherlands. Several factors influence these differences:

  1. Cost of living: Cities with a higher cost of living, such as Amsterdam or the Hague, usually offer higher salaries to compensate for the increased expenses for housing, transportation, and other essentials.
  2. Demand for car mechanics: In larger cities or industrial centres, the demand for car mechanics can be higher, leading to more competitive salaries. Best paying cities for car mechanics in the Netherlands like Rotterdam, a major economic center and harbor, often have a larger need for skilled labor, which can drive wages up.
  3. Urban vs. rural areas: In urban areas, salaries for car mechanics are typically higher due to the cost of living and increased demand for automotive services. In contrast, rural areas may offer lower salaries but could have a lower cost of living, which balances the wage difference.

Salary Comparison Across Major Cities

The following table ranks the average annual salary for car mechanics across major cities in the Netherlands, from highest to lowest:

City Average car mechanic salary (EUR)
Rotterdam 23,440 EUR
Amsterdam 22,010 EUR
The Hague 21,980 EUR
Utrecht 21,460 EUR
Eindhoven 21,300 EUR
Almere 20,120 EUR
Nijmegen 18,870 EUR
Groningen 18,760 EUR
Tilburg 18,080 EUR
Breda 17,890 EUR

These city-based differences provide valuable insight for mechanics considering relocation or employment opportunities in different regions of the Netherlands.

Can I Get Extra Benefits From Working as a Car Mechanic in the Netherlands?

Yes, it is possible to receive bonuses as a car mechanic in the Netherlands, but they are rarely among the main forms of compensation in this field. While bonuses are not as common or large as in other professions, some mechanics receive bonuses based on individual or company performance.

Overtime and Night Shifts

It’s common for employees in jobs like car mechanics to receive additional pay for overtime work or working night shifts. The compensation could be in the form of higher hourly rates for overtime or specific shift allowances for night or weekend work. Your employment contract or company policies explain additional pay rates.

However, the Dutch Working Hours Act (Arbeidstijdenwet) regulates the maximum working hours for employees:

  • Overtime: Some jobs require irregular hours, including weekends and nights. Employees must agree to these hours in their employment contract. Starting January 2025, permanent employees working over 30% overtime won’t face higher unemployment contributions, except for contracts of 35+ hours/week.
  • Weekend Work: Employees working weekends can work up to 12 hours per shift and 60 hours per week. They are entitled to at least 13 free Sundays per year and cannot work more than 40 Sundays.
  • Night Shifts: Employees working between 00:00 and 06:00 can work a maximum of 10 hours per shift and up to 117 night shifts per year, with exceptions allowing up to 140. Permanent night workers may apply for a waiver, allowing up to 260 night shifts annually.
  • Standby Duty: Employees on standby outside normal hours only get paid for actual working time.

car mechanic salary in netherlands


Mechanics in the Netherlands typically have low bonus potential. According to the data:

  • 33% of mechanics report receiving at least one bonus in the last 12 months.
  • 67% of mechanics report not receiving any bonus during the same period.

The bonuses that are given are usually in the range of 0% to 4% of the base salary, which indicates that bonuses, while present, are relatively small.

The types of bonuses that may be available to a mechanic include individual bonuses awarded based on personal performance on the job, company performance bonuses distributed to employees based on the overall success of the company, bonuses given for achieving specific targets, and holiday bonuses typically paid at the end of the year.

Average Bonus

Even though not all mechanics received a bonus, for those who received a bonus, the gross average was €1,472 annually. Again, while bonuses are possible, they are not a significant component of a car mechanic’s overall earnings in the Netherlands. However, overtime and night shifts can provide additional compensation for those working outside regular hours.

Car Mechanic Salaries in the Netherlands vs. Other Countries

When comparing car mechanic salaries between the Netherlands and Germany, we see that mechanics in the Netherlands generally earn a higher salary than their counterparts in Germany. This means that a car mechanic salary in Netherlands per month is approximately 365 EUR higher than in Germany.

How Much Do Car Mechanics Make an Hour?

To convert these figures into hourly rates, let’s assume a standard 40-hour work week and 4.33 weeks per month (the average number of weeks in a month):

  • Netherlands ≈ 22.7 EUR/hour
  • Germany ≈ 20.7 EUR/hour

So, a car mechanic salary in Netherlands per hour is 2 EUR higher than the hourly wage in Germany.

Salaries in Other European Countries

Here’s a quick comparison of car mechanics gross salaries across other Western European countries:

Country Gross average salary of a car mechanic per month (EUR)
Netherlands 3,931
Austria 3,664
Germany 3,566
Belgium 3,358
France 2,941
United Kingdom 2,852
Spain 2,804
Italy 2,281

As we can see, the Netherlands offers one of Europe’s highest car mechanic salaries, only slightly ahead of Austria and well above countries like Spain and Italy. This is why the Netherlands is a strong option for car mechanics seeking higher wages within Europe.

Netherlands Car Mechanic Salary – How and Where to Get It?

When considering how much a car mechanic earns in the Netherlands or any other European country, it’s necessary to be aware of the role hiring agencies can play. These agencies often act as intermediaries between employers and employees: they take a fee for their services and affect the net auto mechanic salary. However, they may also offer additional benefits, such as accommodation or assistance with relocation, which can make the process much easier for foreign workers.

Key Takeaways

  • Car mechanics in the Netherlands earn the highest salary compared to other Western European countries;
  • There are salary differences based on experience, location, and employer type;
  • Mechanic salaries in the Netherlands are higher than in Germany.

If you’re interested in exploring car mechanic opportunities in the Netherlands, Robin Jobs is your helping hand in the process. We can introduce you to a variety of job openings across different cities, help with relocation, and provide guidance to ensure a smooth transition into your new role.

Take the next step towards your career abroad by visiting Robin Jobs and exploring job opportunities in the Dutch automotive industry!


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