
Cost of living in Germany

Cost of living in Germany

Living costs in Germany are comparable to averages in Europe. Comparing costs in super-markets, prices for services, clothing, they have tangents with the average cost of living in Europe. In most cases the most expensive expense is accommodation, which is usually deducted from the monthly salary. Health insurance is also deducted from your salary.

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Organise your budget

Before you leave for Germany, it is good to organize your budget in order to save money.

The percentages below are the average expenses of people already working in Germany.

✔ 30 % – accommodation

✔ 10,5 % – food

✔ 10 % – transport

✔ 8 % – entertainment

✔ 4 % – hospitality

✔ 3 % – clothing

The rest you can add to your savings.

According to the European Commission’s website prices in Germany for 2015 fell by 0.3%. This is argued by low fuel prices. Comparing prices with other Western European countries, in Germany they are lower, namely the price for food. In Germany you will be able to find a lot of small markets. Also the tax on books, newspapers and food is only 7%. Shop opening hours vary depending on the ‘Länder’ (administrative region). Some close at 7pm, 10pm or even 6pm. In the smaller cities, most markets close at 1pm and on Sundays they do not work at all. You will have to do your shopping early.

Costs variance

Living costs in Germany vary depending on where you live. For example, in Dresden costs are lower than in Munich. Higher costs can be offset by higher wages in expensive cities. Of course it also depends on your needs. If you want to compare living costs in Germany, the website below can help you. (in English)


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