Offerte di lavoro all’estero
Stai cercando un’interessante offerta di lavoro all’estero? Robin ha in questo momento 79 offerte di lavoro all’estero in Olanda, Germania e Belgio. C’è una grande varietà di posti di lavoro disponibili per te, non importa se sei in coppia o sei da solo, se parli inglese o se non conosci la lingua inglese.
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Andare a lavorare all’estero non solo ti permetterà di risparmiare soldi per il futuro, ma ti aiuterà anche ad allargare il tuo orizzonte e a costruire relazioni internazionali. Non importa se stai cercando un lavoro temporaneo o a lungo termine, se stai cercando un lavoro da solo o in coppia, di offerte di lavoro all’estero per te ce ne saranno.
Trovare un lavoro all’estero con l’aiuto di Robin ti permetterà di scegliere, insieme al nostro reclutatore, tra le offerte di lavoro di 25 diverse agenzie di lavoro attive in Germania, Olanda e Belgio. Insieme a Robin, selezionerai il lavoro con alloggio nel paese che si adatta alle tue esigenze.
Team of carpenters with own car (530-620€ net/weekly) in Olanda
Our experienced partners have been involved with the Dutch Construction and Engineering sector for a long time. The company is currently searching for skilled Wood carpenters to join their team in the Netherlands! This offer is valid for both – teams of carpenters and candidates applying alone. Leggi di più
Team of plasterboarders with own car (530-590€ net/week) in Olanda
Haldu Group has been involved with Dutch Construction and Engineering sector. The company is currently searching for skilled Plaster Boarders for upcoming projects, to multiple locations in the Netherlands. Leggi di più
Team of plumbers with own car (550€ - 630€ net/week) in Olanda
Our long-time partners are a reliable and well-known Dutch provider of skilled high standard workers in construction. They are currently looking for an experienced Plumbers to join their team in the Netherlands – you can apply alone or make a team together with you friend, another experienced plumber. Leggi di più
Team of electricians with own car (€525-€645 net/week) The Netherlands, in Olanda
For multiple partners in the Netherlands, we are looking for experienced electricians to join reliable and prosperous companies in the industrial and construction niches! The agency has various clients in industrial, construction, and residential projects. The electrician performs various activities: laying cable trays, pulling cables, and connecting cables, as well as installing fire protection, data cables,. Leggi di più
Landscaping Employee Margraten, in Olanda
Our client, Hoveniersbedrijf Rompen, is looking for landscaping employees to join their team in Margraten, the Netherlands! Hoveniersbedrijf Rompen, established in 1983 in Margraten, Limburg, is a family-run business specializing in garden design, construction, and maintenance for both private and corporate clients. They offer services including landscaping, tree care, and earthmoving, utilizing a modern machinery. Leggi di più
Electrician (540-600€ net per week) in Olanda
Our partner is looking for Electrician to work in various places in the Netherlands – as the company have many different projects they are looking for both industrial and construction electricians. We are looking for someone that is ready to do: Installation of electrical systems; Preventive, corrective and predictive maintenance; Inspection of electrical installations; Technical. Leggi di più
CE truck driver (€650 - €850 eur/week) Bodegraven, in Olanda
STEF is the European leader in temperature-controlled logistics and transport. With a team of 22,000 employees across 8 countries, we ensure the safe delivery of essential food products to millions of consumers daily. Leggi di più