Offerte di lavoro all’estero
Stai cercando un’interessante offerta di lavoro all’estero? Robin ha in questo momento 98 offerte di lavoro all’estero in Olanda, Germania e Belgio. C’è una grande varietà di posti di lavoro disponibili per te, non importa se sei in coppia o sei da solo, se parli inglese o se non conosci la lingua inglese.
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Andare a lavorare all’estero non solo ti permetterà di risparmiare soldi per il futuro, ma ti aiuterà anche ad allargare il tuo orizzonte e a costruire relazioni internazionali. Non importa se stai cercando un lavoro temporaneo o a lungo termine, se stai cercando un lavoro da solo o in coppia, di offerte di lavoro all’estero per te ce ne saranno.
Trovare un lavoro all’estero con l’aiuto di Robin ti permetterà di scegliere, insieme al nostro reclutatore, tra le offerte di lavoro di 25 diverse agenzie di lavoro attive in Germania, Olanda e Belgio. Insieme a Robin, selezionerai il lavoro con alloggio nel paese che si adatta alle tue esigenze.
Operaio/allestitore in acciaio (650 eur/settimana) Rotterdam, in Olanda
TIO B. V. Leggi di più
Pipefitter (€720 net/week) Rotterdam, in Olanda
Our partner is looking for Pipefitters with experience to join their team in the Netherlands! In this position, your responsibilities will be the following: Cutting, grinding, bending, assembling, and installing pipes according to (isometric) drawings and sketches; Preparation and construction of different kinds of pipes and pipeline systems; Working with steel and stainless steel. You'll work 8 hours per day, five days a week, with the possibility of overtime. Leggi di più
Ship Electrician (680€ net/week) Rotterdam, in Olanda
Our long-time agency partners in The Netherlands are currently on the lookout for Ship Electricians to work in luxury yachts in Rotterdam region. If you are an electrician with experience in ships and yachts, do not miss this opportunity! Description of your main tasks: Work with cable works; Connecting (terminating) cables to junction boxes, cabinets, engines, equipment, lights, ACCV systems; Reading technical drawings; As it is a very lux environment, the worker needs to be careful around expensive materials, woodwork, decoration, etc. Leggi di più
Commercial vehicle interior installer (€520 - €560 net/week) in Olanda
Our client specializes in the construction and customization of commercial vehicles, delivering high-quality, tailor-made solutions for various industries. They value innovation, craftsmanship, and teamwork, offering a supportive and professional work environment. Leggi di più
Machine woodworker (€530 - €550 net per week) in Olanda
Our client specializes in processing decorative wood panels, providing custom solutions for shop interiors, hotels, schools, stands, and displays. With a team of over 25 skilled professionals, they ensure flexibility and quick response to customer needs. Leggi di più
Pipefitter (€600 - 615 net/week) in Olanda
We are looking for an experienced Pipefitter to join a client specializing in the manufacturing of steel tubes, pipes, hollow sections, and fittings. Job Details: Work Type: Pipefitting of steel and stainless steel piping systems Basic welding required Technical Drawings: Must be able to read and interpret Experience with TIG stainless steel welding Long-term opportunity Requirements: Proven experience as pipefitter (at least 2 years) Experience with TIG and stainless steel Ability to read technical drawings Ability to stay longer in the Netherlands What We Offer: Net weekly salary: €600 – €615 (higher salary possible for highly experienced candidates) Accommodation provided Transport arranged Health insurance covered. Leggi di più
TIG stainless steel welder (€600 - €615 net/week) in Olanda
We are looking for an experienced TIG Stainless Steel Welder for a client specializing in sheet metal work and small constructions for the food industry, including kitchen structures and equipment. Job Details: Material: Stainless steel Thickness: 0. Leggi di più