1143 viste

Who will be my employer in the Netherlands?

1143 viste
Who will be my employer in the Netherlands?

A Dutch temporary employment agency will be legally your employer in the Netherlands. Through this agency, you will be provided with work at a company to physically perform your job. Temporary employment agencies are widespread in the Netherlands. 15% of the working population works through a temporary employment contract. So it's common for companies to hire agencies to take care of their staffing. It might feel that part of your salary is going to another firm. Still, there are significant advantages for you to be employed through a temporary employment agency in the Netherlands.

Get to know everything about employment agencies in the Netherlands

What are the advantages of working through an employment agency in the Netherlands?

1. The first advantage of working through a temporary employment agency is that the agency has significant experience with helping migrant workers just like you. The agency’s whole process is organized and designed around offering and accommodating the workforce from different European countries at companies in the Netherlands. Think about:

  • Finding accommodation, which is hard to organize at a reasonable price.
  • Transportation from your new accommodation to your work is organized by the employment agency. In general, agencies provide bicycles for distances shorter than 10 km. If the commute is further, they manage cars or minivans.
  • Social security number. Everyone that starts working in the Netherlands needs to obtain one. This is your number that you can use in any communication with the Dutch government. The Dutch social security number is called the BSN number.
  • Health insurance. Everybody that is living in the Netherlands needs one. As agencies make agreements with the insurance providers, it is hard to beat their prices.

2. The second advantage of working through a temporary employment agency is that you will be working and living with people from different countries. People that are just like yourself. This is an excellent opportunity to make friends that are spread over Europe. It’s hard to build up this international community when you are going to work, not through an employment agency.

3. The function of a temporary employment agency is to find other work for you when the company is getting less busy. Where if you find work directly at a company, you would need to start searching for a new job, the employment agency will propose a new job, usually within days. If you are not fond of searching for a new job, this is a great advantage.

4. Working through an international recruitment agency, you get introduced to different types of companies in various sectors. Not sure what you would like to do for a living in the future?
Trying out the different kinds of jobs in other sectors will get you introduced to what type of people, professions, company cultures suit you best. Compared to a fixed position, finding this out might take you years of exploring. Working through a temporary employment agency might help you discover this in a couple of months.

In some, more exceptional cases, Robin as well provides jobs straight at the company. Keep in mind that in that case, you already need to be settled in the Netherlands and have accommodation and transportation yourself.

If you have preferences in working with a particular type of agency or company in the Netherlands, let the Robin job expert know. We can find a perfect pick together for you on what employment agency suits your needs.


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