Poslovi u Nizozemskoj

U ovom trenutku postoje  94 dostupna otvorena radna mjesta u Nizozemskoj.

Tražite načine da zaradite novac u inozemstvu ili planirate promijeniti svoju okolinu?
Provjerite ponude poslova koje imamo dostupne za vas u Nizozemskoj.
Nije bitno tražite li privremeno ili dugoročno posao, tražite li posao sami ili kao par, postoje ponude poslova u Nizozemskoj koje odgovaraju vašim potrebama. Rad u Nizozemskoj će vam dopustiti da proširite svoj horizont i steknete novo iskustvo radeći u raznolikom i međunarodnom okruženju. Prijavite se za posao u Nizozemskoj još danas i prije no što ćete znati, započet ćete s radom na poziciji u Nizozemskoj koju ste tražili.

Dobivanje posla kroz Robin dozvoljava vam da birate, zajedno s našim stručnjakom za posao, između 20 različitih agencija za zapošljavanje u Nizozemskoj. Zajedno s Robin-om, odabrat ćete posao sa smještajem u Nizozemskoj koji vam odgovara!

Različiti poslovi na različitim lokacijama u Nizozemskoj

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Tražite li posao u Nizozemskoj? U Robin-u vam nudimo ono što tražite. Imamo poslove
dostupne u mnogim različitim gradovima u Nizozemskoj. U ovom trenutku postoje poslovi dostupni u većim gradovima poput Amsterdama, Rotterdama, Eindhovena ili Nijmegena. Također i u manjim gradovima kao što su Veghel, Woerden ili Schijndel, imamo poslove sa smještajem koji odgovaraju vašim potrebama.

Možete odabrati posao u sektoru prema vašim željama i specijalizaciji. Na ovaj način možete lakše pronaći posao koji tražite. Prelistajte kroz otvorena radna mjesta u Nizozemskoj koja su dostupna ovog trenutka i prijavite se za posao koji odgovara vašim potrebama još danas!

Car Mechanic (580-675€ net per week) in Netherlands

Our partner agency is looking for experienced car mechanic candidates to work in the automotive industry .   You should be flexible to work in different parts of The Netherlands. Read more

Salary: from 580,00€/h
star4.4/5 (8 reviews)
Kuehne + Nagel
Netherlands, Netherlands
Available positions: 2/3
Position is open for: 354 days

Window assembler (500-535 € net per week) in Netherlands

Our partner is looking for a Window Assembler, specializing in the facade industry, to work in various cities and places all over the Netherlands. Functions: Cutting the windows profiles to the correct size; Sliding steel tubes into the profiles; Fitting of hinges, latches, and water drains; Welding profiles and compressing. Read more

Salary: from 525,00€/h
star_border0/5 (0 reviews)
N&C Molenschot
Netherlands, Netherlands
Available positions: 2/3
Position is open for: 389 days

Cook with experience (~ €2100 net/ monthly) Unknown, in Netherlands

Are you someone who works accurately and who likes to work creatively and innovatively? In GP kitchens, you work with the most modern equipment and a young, ambitious team who together with you take up the challenge to surprise our guests with culinary delights every day. In GP-connect we like to let you shine in our hotels, restaurants, and holiday parks in the Netherlands. Read more

Salary: from 11,52€/h
star_border0/5 (0 reviews)
CPG Europa
Unknown, Netherlands
Available positions: 24/34
Position is open for: 391 days

Window frame fitter (525-550€ net per week) Eindhoven, in Netherlands

Our partner is looking for a Window Frame Fitter, specializing in the facade industry, to work in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. Functions: Mounting of window frames, mainly made of PVC and Aluminium; Fitting glazing bars; Rubbering; Mounting of flashing and water seal; Other work-related tasks. Read more

Salary: from 535,00€/h
star_border0/5 (0 reviews)
N&C Molenschot
Eindhoven, Netherlands
Available positions: 2/2
Position is open for: 442 days

Bus driver (600-800€ net/week) , in Netherlands

TCS Netherlands is a professional temporary employment agency working for the Dutch hospitality industry.  Their goal is to find the best professionals from all around the world and provide amazing services!  At the moment TCS Nederland is recruiting bus drivers for several major public transportation companies across the Netherlands. Read more

Salary: from 600,00€/h
star_border0/5 (0 reviews)
, Netherlands
Available positions: 5/21
Position is open for: 452 days

Plumber for luxury yachts / shipyards (from 540€ net/week) OSS, in Netherlands

Heinen & Hopman, a leading specialist in the maritime sector, is seeking experienced plumbers to join their team in Oss, Netherlands. Known for their world-class expertise in air conditioning, ventilation, central heating, refrigeration, and mechanical ventilation, Heinen & Hopman has supplied over 15,000 vessels worldwide. Read more

Salary: from 540,00€/h
star_border0/5 (0 reviews)
Green Solutions
OSS, Netherlands
Available positions: 1/3
Position is open for: 494 days

Kitter employee for door production (410€ net/week) Groesbeek, in Netherlands

Since 1974, Kegro Deuren has been the door manufacturer and market leader in flat and solid wooden exterior doors and interior doors for new construction, renovation, and transformation projects in the Netherlands.   Our partner is currently looking for kitter employees to join their team in Groesbeek, the Netherlands! In this position, your daily tasks include: Placing the. Read more

Salary: from 410,00€/h
star4.5/5 (4 reviews)
Groesbeek, Netherlands
Available positions: 1/1
Position is open for: 495 days