Darba Piedāvājumi Holandē
Pašlaik Robin piedāvā 94 brīvas darba pozīcijas Nīderlandē.
Meklējiet veidu, kā nopelnīt naudu ārvalstīs vai sapņojat mainīt vidi un iepazīt jaunu valsti?
Izskatiet, kādi darba piedāvājumi šobrīd mums ir atvērti un Jums pieejami Nīderlandē. Nav būtiski, vai meklējat īstermiņa vai ilgtermiņa darbu, vēlaties doties strādāt individuāli vai ar kādu kopā, mūsu interneta vietnē tiešām atradīsit sev piemērotāko darba piedāvājumu. Darbs Holandē ir lieliska iespēja paplašināt redzesloku, strādājot un dzīvojot starptautiskā vidē. Piesakieties jau šodien un nekavējoties saņemiet Jūsu vēlmēm atbilstošu darba piedāvājumu ar dzīvesvietu.
Robin sadarbojas ar 20 darbiekārtošanas aģentūrām Nīderlandē
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Dažādi darba piedāvājumi dažādās Holandes pilsētās
Interesē darbs Holandē? Robin aģentūra var piedāvāt tieši to, ko Jūs meklējat. Mūsu klienti atrodas dažādos valsts reģionos, tāpēc katram varam piemeklēt atbilstošāko darbu ne tikai pēc darba nozares, bet arī vadoties pēc atrašanās vietas. Mēs piedāvājam darbu gan lielākajās Holandes pilsētās – Amsterdamā, Roterdamā, Eindhovenā vai Neimegenā, gan mazākās pilsētās – Vēgelā, Vurdenā, Šijndelā.
Ņemot vērā Jūsu kvalifikāciju un vēlmes, varat izvēlēties darbu dažādās pilsētās. Darba piedāvājumi tiek atjaunoti katru dienu! Izskatiet, kādi mums ir darba piedāvājumi Holandē un piesakiet savu kandidatūru jau šodien.
Concrete Carpenter (from 520€/net per week) Netherlands
Our experienced partners have been involved with the Dutch Construction and Engineering sector for a long time now. The company is currently searching for skilled Concrete Carpenters for upcoming projects, throughout the entire Netherlands. Read more
Sandwich Panel Fitter (520-550€ net/week) Netherlands
Our partner in The Netherlands is currently looking for experienced Sandwich Panel Fitters to join their team for various projects in the Netherlands!. Sandwich Panels Fitter are responsible for installing and fitting sandwich panels used in the construction of buildings, cold storage facilities, and other structures. Read more
Mechatronics mechanic (500-535€ net/week) Veghel, Netherlands
Are you an English-speaking, experienced mechatronics mechanic interested in working abroad? Our partner can offer you a stable job with an attractive salary in Veghel, the Netherlands! Vanderlande is a market-leading global partner for future-proof logistic process automation in the warehousing, airports, and parcel sectors. They have an extensive portfolio of integrated solutions – innovative systems, intelligent software, and life-cycle services. Read more
Car damage preparator employee (from 525€ net/week) Netherlands
Our partner agency in the Netherlands is looking for experienced car damage repair employees to join their team for various locations in the Netherlands. If you’re an experienced car mechanic, and you are capable to follow all steps in the process of preparing cars before painting, this can be your great opportunity! In this position, your daily. Read more
Plumber (540€-620€ net per week) Netherlands
Our partners in the Netherlands are seeking experienced plumbers to join their team. The company is involved in various requests in new residential construction, residential renovations, and the construction of utility buildings across the country. Read more
C Driver with private car (650€ net per week) Netherlands
We are looking for category C drivers to work all over The Netherlands! We have different clients who may offer you different jobs. Functions: As a truck driver you will be responsible for transporting (with a box) and delivering: drinks, crates of beer, and food products from a distribution centrum to for example restaurants, pubs, etc. Read more
Panel Beater for Automotive (€600-700 net/week) Netherlands
Covebo Group is an employment agency for multiple companies within Europe that works hard every day to help people find work. They help temporary workers find jobs, recruit and select them, and try every day to deliver the best service. Read more