Darba Piedāvājumi Holandē
Pašlaik Robin piedāvā 103 brīvas darba pozīcijas Nīderlandē.
Meklējiet veidu, kā nopelnīt naudu ārvalstīs vai sapņojat mainīt vidi un iepazīt jaunu valsti?
Izskatiet, kādi darba piedāvājumi šobrīd mums ir atvērti un Jums pieejami Nīderlandē. Nav būtiski, vai meklējat īstermiņa vai ilgtermiņa darbu, vēlaties doties strādāt individuāli vai ar kādu kopā, mūsu interneta vietnē tiešām atradīsit sev piemērotāko darba piedāvājumu. Darbs Holandē ir lieliska iespēja paplašināt redzesloku, strādājot un dzīvojot starptautiskā vidē. Piesakieties jau šodien un nekavējoties saņemiet Jūsu vēlmēm atbilstošu darba piedāvājumu ar dzīvesvietu.
Robin sadarbojas ar 20 darbiekārtošanas aģentūrām Nīderlandē
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Dažādi darba piedāvājumi dažādās Holandes pilsētās
Interesē darbs Holandē? Robin aģentūra var piedāvāt tieši to, ko Jūs meklējat. Mūsu klienti atrodas dažādos valsts reģionos, tāpēc katram varam piemeklēt atbilstošāko darbu ne tikai pēc darba nozares, bet arī vadoties pēc atrašanās vietas. Mēs piedāvājam darbu gan lielākajās Holandes pilsētās – Amsterdamā, Roterdamā, Eindhovenā vai Neimegenā, gan mazākās pilsētās – Vēgelā, Vurdenā, Šijndelā.
Ņemot vērā Jūsu kvalifikāciju un vēlmes, varat izvēlēties darbu dažādās pilsētās. Darba piedāvājumi tiek atjaunoti katru dienu! Izskatiet, kādi mums ir darba piedāvājumi Holandē un piesakiet savu kandidatūru jau šodien.
All-round warehouse employee Deurne, Eindhoven and Helmond, Netherlands
Our partner, Edco, is a global trading corporation. The company targets a wide range of businesses, including chain stores, warehouses, retail stores, resellers, large-scale distributors, and catalogue merchants. Read more
Terminal Driver C cat. (POSSIBLE WITHOUT EXPERIENCE) (from €500 net per week) Barendrecht, Netherlands
We are looking for a Terminal Driver to join our logistics team. You will work for a leading logistics company specializing in the distribution of fresh produce, renowned for its reliability, efficiency, and high safety standards. Read more
CNC Laser Operator (€530 - €580 net per week) Uden, Netherlands
We are looking for an experienced CNC Laser Operator to join our team. The role involves setting up and operating CNC laser cutting machines to produce high-precision parts according to technical specifications. Read more
Warehouse worker Tilburg, Netherlands
Our Dutch partner, with longtime knowledge in logistics distribution, is currently looking for experienced warehouse workers to join their team. Your main tasks will be: Check existing orders, by picking them up with a hand scanner, and correctly processing incoming and outgoing goods; Order picking with an English voice-picking system; Sort, (re)pack, label and pick electronic. Read more
Reach Truck Driver with experience and certificate Tilburg, Netherlands
ID Logistics Benelux was founded in 2013 in Tilburg, one of the biggest logistics hotspots in The Netherlands. Subsequently, the company has developed into a full 3PL player within the Beneluxspread over 5 locations. Read more
Order picker with EPT experience (Fresh department) Breda, Netherlands
Sligro is a prominent player in the Netherlands, operating a national network of self-service wholesalers and delivery centers. They cater to various sectors, including large and small-scale catering, recreation, company restaurants, gas stations, and more. Read more
Warehouse worker/ expedition with EPT experience (night shifts) Breda, Netherlands
Sligro is a prominent player in the Netherlands, operating a national network of self-service wholesalers and delivery centers. They cater to various sectors, including large and small-scale catering, recreation, company restaurants, gas stations, and more. Read more