
U ovom trenutku postoji 21  otvorenih radnih mjesta u logistici u inozemstvu.

Tražite li posao u logistici u inozemstvu? Onda ste na pravom mjestu. Od 2007, Robin je zaposlio preko 9.000 ljudi za logističke poslove u inozemstvu. Robin vam može ponuditi nešto drugačije poslove u logističkim centrima i skladištima u Nizozemskoj, Njemačkoj i Belgiji. Provjerite logističke pozicije koje su dostupne u inozemstvu.
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Sakupljač narudžbi

Imate li fleksibilan stav i uživate raditi u čistom radnom okruženju, onda bi postajanje sakupljača narudžbi u inozemstvu moglo biti nešto za vas. Većina sakupljača narudžbi rade s EPT-om (električnim paletarom) u skladištima i sakupljaju narudžbe koristeći ručni skener ili pomoću glasovnog odabira. Ne trebate imati radno iskustvo kako biste radili kao sakupljač narudžbi. Ukoliko smatrate da biste uživali kao sakupljač narudžbi, molimo da provjerite naša slobodna radna mjesta.

Logistički / Skladišni radnik

Aktivni ste i uživate raditi u timu s kolegama? Kao skladišni radnik, zajedno ste sa svojim kolegama odgovorni za dolazak-, distribuciju-, skladištenje- i učitavanje dobara. U mogućnosti ste raditi uredno i brzo? Onda je rad u logističkom centru nešto za vas.

Vozač viličara u inozemstvu

Uživate raditi u logističkom centru i imate vozačku dozvolu za viličara? Iskoristite svoju šansu i radite kao vozač viličara u inozemstvu. Rad kao vozač viličara vam omogućuje da zaradite veću plaću u logistici u usporedbi s ljudima koji rade kao sakupljači narudžbi. Većina sakupljača narudžbi koji rade duže vremena u inozemstvu dobiju priliku da postanu vozači viličara.

Postanite vozač kamiona u inozemstvu

Imate li svoju CE vozačku dozvolu i uživate li biti na cesti u svom kamionu do različitih kupaca u inozemstvu? Onda bi rad kao vozač kamiona u Njemačkoj ili Belgiji mogao biti nešto za vas. Bit ćete predstavnik svog poslodavca i na putu ali i u komunikaciji s klijentom. Na našoj web-stranici, možete pronaći različite poslove poput vozač kamiona u inozemstvu.

Vozač visokopodiznog viličara

Imate proaktivni stav i iskustvo kao vozač visokopodiznog viličara? Onda imamo ponudu poslova za vas. Kao vozač visokopodiznog viličara odgovorni ste za ukrcaj i iskrcaj kamiona i distribuciju paleta dobara u skladište. Kako biste vozili visokopodiznog viličara u inozemstvu, trebate imati odgovarajući certifikat. U slučaju da nemate certifikat ali imate iskustvo u vožnji visokopodiznog viličara, certifikat će vam osigurati vaš budući poslodavac.

Ako imate strast za radom u distribuciji i skladištima, provjerite naše poslove logistike!

Warehouse worker (Fresh) Several locations in the Netherlands, in Netherlands

Our partner, Sligro Food Group, consists of many companies that specifically focus on the food service market in the Netherlands and Belgium. They are offering a comprehensive range of food, food-related, and non-food products and services in the wholesale market. Read more

Salary: from 10,05€/h
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Warehouse worker (Fresh) Several locations in the Netherlands, in Netherlands
Several locations in the Netherlands, Netherlands
Available positions: 5/5
Position is open for: 1 day

Container loader (with experience) Several location in the Netherlands, in Netherlands

Stuwarooij provides container loading and unloading services for more than 100+ Dutch warehouses. Employees are changing the warehouse after the loading job at one client is finished. Read more

Salary: from 13,88€/h
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Container loader (with experience) Several location in the Netherlands, in Netherlands
Several location in the Netherlands, Netherlands
Available positions: 3/6
Position is open for: 3 days

Meat production operator Raalte, in Netherlands

Our client, Lupack, is looking for meat production operators to join their team in Raalte, the Netherlands! Lupack, a part of the Zwanenberg Food Group, distributes liver sausage, dry sausage, and smoked sausage worldwide, with well-known brands such as Kips and Huls. They are experiencing rapid growth and have expanded their range to include vegetarian. Read more

Salary: from 14,90€/h
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Meat production operator Raalte, in Netherlands
Raalte, Netherlands
Available positions: 2/2
Position is open for: 7 days

Order picker with EPT (with Dutch certificate) Venlo, in Netherlands

Broekman Logistics is a full-service logistics company focusing on sea, land, multimodal, and air transportation. The company is headquartered in the Netherlands and is looking for EPT drivers to join their team! In this position, your daily duties will include the following: Driving EPT; Moving pallets through the warehouse; Picking orders; Loading and unloading products. Read more

Salary: from 13,70€/h
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Order picker with EPT (with Dutch certificate) Venlo, in Netherlands
Venlo, Netherlands
Available positions: 7/8
Position is open for: 25 days
Couples accepted

High-rise reach truck operator Leipzig, in Germany

Our client is looking for high-rise forklift operators to join their team in Leipzig, Germany! The company is a third-party logistics provider located in Leipzig. They encompass around 5,200 employees across 45 locations in Germany, Europe, the Arabian Peninsula, and the United States. Read more

Salary: from 16,00€/h
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High-rise reach truck operator Leipzig, in Germany
Leipzig, Germany
Available positions: 17/27
Position is open for: 29 days

Warehouse worker (with Polish language) Oosterhout, in Netherlands

Albert Heijn is one of the biggest distribution centers which delivers products to Albert Heijn supermarkets in Netherlands and Belgium. They have warehouses located in different cities all over the Netherlands: Osterhout, Geldermalsen, Pijnacker, Tilburg, Zaandam, Nieuwegein, Almere, Woerden, Nieuwegein, Zwolle, Amsterdam and others. Read more

Salary: from 6,84€/h
star_border0/5 (0 reviews)
Warehouse worker (with Polish language) Oosterhout, in Netherlands
Oosterhout, Netherlands
Available positions: 5/5
Position is open for: 31 days
Couples accepted